
Exploring Countries with Lower Currency Value Than the Indian Rupee

currency lower than indian rupees

Are you someone who loves to travel but is on a budget? If yes, then this blog is for you! India is a country that has experienced remarkable economic growth in recent years. With a rapidly expanding economy, the Indian rupee has become a more valuable currency on the global stage. It has been steadily gaining value. However, there are many countries around the world whose currencies are weaker than the Indian rupee.

In this blog, we’ll look at some countries with currencies lower than the Indian rupee.

currency lower than indian rupees


nepal currency

Nepal is a beautiful country located in the Himalayas. The nation is renowned for its stunning mountain ranges, monasteries, and vast cultural heritage. The Nepalese Rupee (NPR), the country’s currency, has a far lower value than the Indian Rupee. It is an economical location for travellers on a budget due to its cheap cost of living.

1 Indian Rupee – 1.59 Nepalese Rupee

Sri Lanka

sri lanka currency

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island country in South Asia renowned for its wildlife, stunning beaches, and historic temples. Travelling to Sri Lanka from India is relatively affordable, given the similarities in culture and geographic proximity. The cost of living there is also relatively lower than in India, making it an attractive destination for budget travellers.

1 Indian Rupee – 3.95 Sri Lankan Rupee


indonesia currency

Indonesia is another country with a weaker currency than the Indian rupee. In addition to the nation’s reliance on exports and the international market, the value of the Indonesian rupiah has decreased dramatically in recent years. The government has also had difficulty preserving political stability and controlling inflation, both of which have had an adverse effect on the value of its currency.

1 Indian Rupee – 189. 14 Indonesian Rupiah


vietnam currency

If you love and appreciate some flavourful and delicious meals, Vietnam is the place for you. The official currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong (VND). Vietnam is a popular destination for Indian travellers due to its affordability, beautiful sights, and welcoming people. However, exchange rates between currencies can fluctuate on a daily basis due to various economic and political factors. For less than one Indian Rupee, visitors may enjoy a full day of activities.

1 Indian Rupee – 288.84 Vietnamese dong


argentina currency

The currency of Argentina is the Argentine peso (ARS). The Indian Rupee (INR) is much stronger than ARS. Despite its economic challenges, Argentina is a popular tourist destination well-known for its beautiful landscapes, tango music, and delicious steak. When travelling to Argentina from India, it is advisable to research the exchange rates and use authorized currency exchange centers to avoid being charged high transaction fees. Familiarize yourself with the local customs, culture, and laws of Argentina to avoid any cultural misunderstandings or legal issues. Additionally, it is advisable to learn some basic Spanish phrases to communicate with locals and navigate your way around the country.

1 Indian Rupee – 2.43 Argentine Peso


cambodia currency

Cambodia is a Southeast Asian nation which has a rich history. With famous temples such as Angkor Wat, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The country also has a vibrant culture, with traditional dance performances, festivals, and local food.

It is generally an affordable destination for travellers, and many budget accommodation options and local food are available. However, some tourist areas can be more expensive than others, and it’s always a good idea to research and plan your budget accordingly.

It’s also important to note that Cambodia can be hot and humid, especially during summer. So it is recommended to bring comfortable clothes and stay hydrated while travelling.

1 Indian Rupee – 49.08 Cambodian riel

currency lower than indian rupees


indian currency

In conclusion, travelling to nations with currencies that are less valuable than the Indian Rupee may be a fantastic opportunity to save money and explore different cultures. From breathtaking natural scenery to rich cultural traditions, these nations offer various activities and charming attractions. Travellers may stretch their vacation budget farther by finding affordable lodging, dining, and transportation alternatives by doing a little research. Visitors can have a remarkable experience with careful planning and an open mind, but it’s necessary to be mindful of local traditions and safety issues. So, pack your bags and start exploring!

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Manali is a second-year college student. Lover of adventures and movies! A big foodie who enjoys exploring different cuisines. She has a passion for design and writing.

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