

The name Andaman and Nicobar Islands brings to our mind the image of palm trees, white beaches, lush green forests, the sound of waves lapping on coral reefs, and the chirping of rare birds. It has many islands,


Andaman Nicobar neil

Neil Island is a part of the South Andaman Administrative District and comes under Ritchie’s Archipelago in the Bay of Bengal. A stretch of vast ocean separates it from Ross Island and Havelock Island, tourists visiting Havelock often take a day trip to Neil Island. Perhaps the loveliest feature of this island is its three sandy beaches, namely Bharatpur Beach, Sitapur Beach, and Laxmanpur Beach. Forest cover is reducing due to rice cultivation but a section in the northwest of the island is under protection. Areas that have lost forest cove however, Neil Island is a major supplier of vegetables to most areas of the Andaman Islands. Due to its limited area, Neil Island can be covered by a simple walk.


Andaman Nicobar north bay

North Bay Island offers an intense experience of heat and sand. The corals in North Bay are exquisite and spread over a wide stretch through a long coastline. Take a short drive to catch a few glimpses of lobsters, clown fish families, and stone fish staring at you from behind the corals.

The experience is a perfect mix of adventure and fun for all divers, especially first-timers. Soak up the sun or explore the island, both are equally captivating options. Apart from snorkeling, scuba diving, sea walking, glass boat riding, and various water sports that are also available in other tourist-friendly islands, here at North Bay Island, you have the option of staying in a semi-submarine that takes you to the sea. The bed without even touching the water gives you the virtual feel of being underwater while you get to see an amazing variety of sea creatures that abound in this part of the Bay of Bengal.

The variety is endless and enough to make you stare with open eyes, never missing a single chance to see something beautiful and wild inside the belly of the sea. Peeping over the lush greenery, the lighthouse has not found a place in the Indian currency note of 20 rupees without any reason. The alluring charm of this destination is truly special. It is easily accessible by boat from Phoenix Jetty in Port Blair.

ROSS ISLAND – Andaman Nicobar

Andaman Nicobar ross

Ross Island is one of the popular tourist attractions to visit in Andaman and Nicobar. This place has an amazing history. This small magical island used to be the capital of the British from 1858 to 1941 before the Japanese captured it and turned it into a POW site. Once developed as a very powerful capital for the British. Today you can only see the remains of that time in the form of church ruins, a cathedral, a British cemetery, a swimming pool, a printing press, and the chief commissioner’s house, etc. The tourist destination Ross Island will take you back to the British era. If you are fond of exploring something unique then you must visit Ross Island for a unique travel experience in Andaman.

VIPER ISLAND – Andaman Nicobar

Andaman Nicobar viper

Viper Island is an island located in the South Andaman district of Andaman. Located close to the port of Port Blair, this place is easily accessible from the Phoenix Bay Jetty. Harbor Cruises takes passengers and tourists to this historic island every day of the year. The island is believed to be haunted because it has a gallows It was used by the British to hang Indian freedom fighters. The island is actually very beautiful, and hanging ruins can be explored as you visit the island. There are not many places to stay here. So you need to come back to Port Blair or travel elsewhere to spend the night.

BARATANG ISLAND – Andaman Nicobar

Baratang Island is a must-visit place for all those planning their itinerary for Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The boat ride is covered by a canopy of forest which is also home to the indigenous ‘Jarwa’ tribe. However, one needs to be careful of marine crocodiles and should not go near the water. the limestone here The caves will immediately grab your attention as erosion has created some unique figures. The company of an experienced guide will make the trip more enjoyable as you might get to learn some interesting facts about the local tribes and the history of these caves.

Please read our blog: The 10 Best Beaches in India


Hey! I am Geet an avid traveler who shares all the Travel info to this space.

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